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Showing posts from March, 2021

Consider Eliot’s ‘Preludes’ as a modern poem.

  Consider Eliot’s ‘Preludes’ as a modern poem. Sharply intellectual, remarkably unorthodox in attitude and style, and undoubtedly a pioneer Piece of modern English poetry Eliot’s ‘Preludes’ deserves and demands a careful study. The term ‘modernism’ in context of literature and art cannot be precisely defined, or confined to a fixed Notion. So far as modern or twentieth century English poetry is concerned, its first obvious Characteristic is abstruseness of thought, form and style. Modern poetry is primarily a revolt against the decadent romantic tradition of Georgian Poetry. The squalor, dinginess, and the sordidness of the urban civilization and The dehumanization, sexuality and spiritual hollowness of modern man --- all find an echo in modern Poetry. This unit will introduce you to T.S. Eliot’s poem, “Preludes”, as a Fragmentary poetic piece which took the poet four years to complete. A poem Consisting of fifty-four lines, “Preludes” reflects some of the perplexities that A p...

Sentimental comedy | Sourav Omnibus | English literature

 Write a brief essay on the sentimental comedy. Sentimental comedy, a dramatic genre of the 18th century, denoting plays in which middle-class protagonists triumphantly overcome a series of moral trials. The sentimental comedy is a kind of drama that appeared in the early ears of the eighteenth. In the sentimental comedy, dramatic reality was sacrificed in an attempt to instruct through an appeal to the audience’s or the readers’ emotions. The characters were so good or so bad that they became caricatures. Virtues always triumphed in the sentimental comedy. The sentimental comedy paid greater attention to sentiment which may be regarded as emotion refined and regulated by a self-conscious moral sense.  The sentimental comedy is almost devoid of wit and humour and deals with domestic situation, the problems and suffering of the middle class people, who is above the pity and sympathy of the audience. It also deals with thwarted romance, which is, of course, set right in the lo...