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Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe in Bengali

 Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe in Bengali summary               CHINUA ACHEBE ( 1930- 2013) ১৯৩০ সালের ১৬ই নভেম্বর  চিনুয়া আচেবি জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। তার লেখার মাধ্যমে আমরা আফ্রিকার কালো মানুষদের ওপর সাদা চামড়ার মানুষদের অত্যাচার ও নিপীরন খুঁজে পাই। তিনি ছিলেন মূলত একজন নাইজেরিয়ান লেখক। তিনি নিজেও একজন কালো চামড়ার মানুষ হওয়ায় নানান স্থানে বঞ্চিত হন। এমনকি তার লেখার মাধ্যমে সে সমস্ত দিক গুলি সুস্পষ্টভাবে ফুটে উঠেছে।  তবে তিনি কখনোই হার মেনে নেননি। তার বেশিরভাগ জীবন  কেটেছে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ব্রাউন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে অধ্যাপনা করে। চাকরি জীবনে তিনি নাইজেরিয়ার ব্রডকাস্ট সার্ভিসে কাজ শুরু করেন। বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ছাত্র থাকাকালে তার লেখালেখি শুরু হয়। লেখক হিসাবে চিনুয়া আচেবি আফ্রিকা এবং পশ্চিমের দেশগুলির মধ্যে সেতুবন্ধন হিসাবে কাজ করেছিলেন। ১৯৫৮ সালে প্রকাশিত প্রথম উপন্যাস 'থিংস ফল অ্যাপার্ট' এর সুবাদে ব্যাপক পরিচিত লাভ করেছিলেন তিনি। মজার কথাাা এই যে  এই উপন্যাসটি  অনুবাদ হয়েছে ৫০ টিরও বেশি ভাষায়। তাছাড়া, বিশ্বজুড়ে উপন...

Robinson Crusoe - as a travel novel

Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe as a Travel novel Written by Sourav  Subscribe my YouTube channel Sourav Omnibus Travel literature of the eighteenth century was grounded on the act of journeying and the narrative format of the everyday Englishman stranded in a foreign land. It was felt that a man’s surroundings were what shaped his character. At the time trade was being expanded and more territory was being opened up abroad, influencing the travel narrative in terms of the themes it dealt with. It is nearly impossible to discuss the eighteenth century fiction and nonfiction without speaking of travel. Its protagonists’ journeys so often give impetus and form to their stories. The travels of Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders, Joseph Andrews and Tom Jones, Tristram Shandy come to mind when we speak about the eighteenth century English Literature. The spirit of the eighteenth century could best be seen in travel literature. English people began to travel throughout Europe for self-disco...

Indian English poem. Indianness . Night of the Scorpion, Goodbye party for Miss Pushpa T.S. and Ecology poem - Sourav Omnibus

This Blog is written by Sourav Das - Subscribe my YouTube channel Sourav Omnibus for English literature.  Some aspects of Indianess as reflected in Nissim Ezekiel's 'Night of the Scorpion' and 'Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S.' and A.K. Ramanujan's 'Ecology'.  ‘Night of the Scorpion' is one of the finest poems of Nissim Ezekiel and has been universally admired , for its admirable depiction of a common Indian situation , for its vivid and forceful imagery , for its bringing together of opposite , for it’s ironic contrasts , and for the warmth of human love and affection. It should that Ezekiel is a very Indian poet, rooted in the Indian soil ,and actually aware of the common human situation of  Indian life. The poet's mother stung by a scorpion is given multiple treatment, bringing in its sweep the world of magic and superstition, science , rationality and material affection. Let us begin by reading the poem. 'N...

The old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway’s philosophy in the novel  The Old Man and the Sea . Buy this Book One of the most famous writer Ernest Hemingway’s  The Old Man and the Sea is a philosophical novel. Santiago is the hero of  The Old Man and the Sea  who is an old fisherman in Cuba who, when we meet him at the beginning of the novel, has not caught any fish for eighty-four days. It is the story of his quest for the great catch that will save his career. Hemingway’s philosophy is that Santiago endures a great struggle with ¬¬¬an uncommonly large and noble marlin only to lose the fish entirely expect for its skeleton to rapacious shark on his way back to land. But despite the loss, Santiago is shown as having his spirit intact at the end of the novella. Hemingway’s philosophy towa...

Character of Captain Haddock in Tintin in Tibet

CHARACTER OF CAPTAIN HADDOCK IN TINTIN IN TIBET Written by Sourav Das Subscribe my YouTube channel Sourav Omnibus for English literature Captain Haddock is a fictional character in The Adventures of Tintin, the comic series by Belgian cartoonist Herge. He is one of Tintin’s best friend, seafaring pipe-smoking Merchant Marine Captain. He first appears on page 4 of the specially created weekly supplement, ‘Le Soir Jeunesse’, on January 9, 1941. We are always keen to learn the age of a character but Haddock’s character is of course fictitious and his creator remains silent about his age. Haddock was a seafaring captain and the archetypal sailor, depicted with a hot temper and capable of infuriating actions. He sailed for over twenty years. Tintin in Tibet (1960) is the twentieth adventure of Tintin. In Tintin in Tibet Captain Hoddock  is one of the most important character after Tintin. He is a middle aged person. His full name is Captain Archibald Haddock. Amongst the essential...